Friday, June 12, 2009

Master Jamal Damien Marcus - Fighter Poem - Terza Rima

Master Jamal Damien Marcus
fallen in Spring Crown Tourney, A.S. XXXV

(Terza Rima)

An eagle lights atop a cedar tree
And casts his gaze upon the tourney field
Where arm'ed warriors met in battle glee.

A dance macabre, a brasle of sword and shield
To choose an heir to wear the Crescent Crown
Has every champion pledged to win or yield.

The eagle owns himself a skill renowned
And glides to earth to cast his battle gage -
Ears prick - he's drawn a seasoned battle hound.

So Norman wolf and eagle thus engage
And 'round they dance as fur and feathers fly
Till well-timed blows the eagle's doom presage.

Undaunted, battered bird takes to the sky
To stretch his wings and test his talons' steel
So once more he an raise his battle cry.

A bersark lumbers forth to dance a reel
In answer to the eagle's piercing call
And bear and bird engage with awesome zeal.

The mighty eagle gives the dance his all;
He worries bear with blows both quick and smart
But in the end the bear makes eagle fall.

So bravely did the eagle play his part
He's caught the eye of one with wings of gold;
In doing so he's won a she-drakes's heart -
But that's a tale that's better later told.

-- Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

...weaver of words and wadmal

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