Monday, December 4, 2023

Duke Sven Orfhendur ~ Fall Crown '23

Duke Sven Orfhendur


(Englyn Penfyr)


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Loth to leave his leafy shade

    Thwacks Yasuke with his blade.


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Spies the stalwart fighter Paul

    Strikes a blow to make him fall.


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Three black swans come sailing by

    Arland's gaggle forced to fly.


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Sven's chances now are slimmer

    He's knocked down by Thorgrimmr.


 The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Shakes his head and up he goes

    Ready for more battle blows.


 The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Gouttes of blood bedeck the field

    Killian's fate has now been sealed.


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Tryyggr, who would be the king

    Makes Sven's doughty helmet ring.


The orfhend sloth hangs from a mighty tree:

    Sven Orfendur earned his rest

    Tourney day was just the best!


--Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler a 15th century Burgundian wool merchant who thinks she's a 10th century Viking weaver.