Friday, June 12, 2009

Jarl Francisc Miguel Joaquim Inacio -- Fighter Poem -- Ballade

Jarl Francisc Miguel Joaquim Inacio
fallen in Spring Crown Tourney, A.S. XXXVIII


As clouds forgathered overhead
And fighters eyed the lowering sky
The bullock from a northern stead
Set forth for throne and crown to vie.
The first to brave his battle cry:
A tiny bee with spirit rare,
Who as he fell was heard to sigh,
"Be wise and heed the bullock's glare."

The next to take the tourney field
That rivulets meandered 'round
Now bore a cross upon his shield
As fighters trod the sodden ground.
Von Tannenberg as quickly found
That Francisc fought with bullish flair.
His carcass made a plashing sound...
Be wise and heed the bullock's glare.

The skies poured forth their reign upon
Bedraggled champions of the day.
A silver oak now graced the lawn
Where Seanach's sable bull held sway.
The battle joined without delay
And Francisc met with harsher fare.
He shook it off and left the fray --
Be wise and heed the bullock's glare.

And as the torrent washed the skies
A fighting eagle took to wing.
Intent upon a regal prize,
His talons proved a deadly thing.
Of martial skill the poets sing,
Of vanquished foes and strength to spare.
To one refrain the bardic cling:
Be wise and heed the bullock's glare.

Across the kingdom plaudits bring
For Jarl and his Jarla fair.
And future heralds challenge fling:
Be wise and heed the bullock's glare.

-- Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler a weaver of words and wadmal

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