Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ciaran Blackrune - Fighter Poem - Englynion

Ciaran Blackrune
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XXXIII


Ciaran charted the stars -
The Indigo Rose to guide
Through rough waters and low tide
With Jumana by his side.

Ciaran charted the stars -
That brought him to Caid's shore
In search of a treasure store
To adorn his paramour.

Ciaran charted the stars -
Where fighters and consorts kneeled
And battle washed o'er the field,
His fortune was met and sealed.

Ciaran charted the stars -
That danced in his lady's eyes,
As bright as the jeweled prize,
Who watched him with fretful sighs.

Ciaran charted the stars -
And met with a duke and earl,
Great weapons and swords awhirl,
Who whittled him down to burl.

Ciaran charted the stars -
That brought him to try his lot
In battles hard and well fought;
His grasp missed the prize he sought.

Ciaran charted the stars -
The Indigo Rose to sail
Through calm waters and through gale,
Jumana beside the rail.

-- Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

...weaver of words and wadmal

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