Baron Rudolf Fekter
fallen in Spring Crown Tourney, A.S. XLIX
(common measure)
From the land where dragon’s breath
Can freeze a man mid-step
Came Rudolf with his sword so bright
The baron of the steppe
To win by prowess for his dear
Amicia a wreath:
Yellow roses of Caid
A kingdom to bequeath.
Niccolo a Landsknecht
And armorer renowned
Tried to repousse Rudolf,
Got hammered to the ground.
Buoy’d by this auspicious start
The baron took the field
To face Liam the son of wolf
But Ulfsson made him yield.
Never one to give it up
Rudolf regained his feet.
With a bow Amicia-ward
He didn’t miss a beat.
Rushing forth to meet a Rus,
Sir Ozmund he was hight,
Rudolf tried his best to win;
Was bested by the knight.
Rudolf’s tourney journey’s done
Amicia wears no cirque.
“Never fear, my dear,” says she
“My love you cannot burke.”
-- Pippin Skylark
...always tart and crisp
Spring Crown Tourney'15
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