THL Gunner Von Lichtenburg ~ Spring '23
Pantoum for a Warrior
A good day dawned for Caid’s warriors’ dance:
Another spin around the tourney field.
A golden eagle sprang from an argent oak
In a cloud of silver dragonflies.
Another spin around the tourney field –
All those hopefuls vying for the crown –
In a cloud of silver dragonflies
Strode forth a doughty lord from Lichtenburg.
All these hopefuls vying for the crown,
A horseman among them with sword and spear.
Impaled, the doughty lord from Lichtenburg
Sought the healing balm of the oaken bower.
The horseman progressed with sword and spear
To battle on; the eagle flapped his wings,
Sought the healing balm of the oaken bower
And rose restored to take the field once more.
To battle on the eagle flapped his wings,
Espied a baron from his lofty height
And rose restored to take the field once more
To fight a warrior for the crescent crown.
Espied, the baron, in his lofty height
Of golden towers took up the challenge
To fight the eagle for the crescent crown.
Victorious, the Baron Somerset
Of golden towers bested the challenger,
Gunner, the hapless lord from Lichtenburg
Who fought a knight and baron for the crown,
Now lying on the cold Caidan ground.
Gunner, the hapless lord Von Lichtenburg,
A golden eagle sprung from an argent oak,
Though lying on the cold Caidan ground
Had a good day in Caid’s warriors’ dance.
Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler