fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. L.
(awld gywydd)
Dancing on an errant breeze--
Flit and freeze and dart and play--
Butterfly with iron heart
Come and start your tourney day.
Alejandro hopes to flick
Pesky insect from the field--
Bat and swat and shoo away--
Rudolf stays; Castillo yields.
Amicia has taken hope--
Eric's rope confines her fears
As Sir Mons strides to the fray.
Rudolf sways; Amicia tears.
Sweetest nectar from the flower,
In her bower, Amicia tends
Rudolf's wounds. His
soul takes wing!
A tender thing, his heart mends.
Once more to the eric fly,
Butterfly, and take your stand.
Killian, a trenchant knight,
Wins the fight in battle grand.
Poor, bedraggled butterfly
Made a try for Caid's crown.
Amicia will soothe your brow,
Rest for now; you've gained renown.
— Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler
... weaver of words and wadmal.
Fall Crown'15