Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sir Niccolo d'Angelo

Sir Niccolo d'Angelo
fallen in Spring Crown Tourney A.S.XLIX

(Celtic buried rhyme)

Crown Tourney field is smartly dressed
With pennants gay and raiment grand
As doughty fighters strut and stride
With dauntless pride across the span.

An armorer with lion’s heart
And martial art, Sir Niccolo
Lays hammer down for tools of war
Inured to gore and ructious blow.

A fellow anvil devotee
Agrees to trade him strike for strike.
The battling baron takes the round;
A sound blow brings Niccolo brike.

Retiring to a leafy glen
He’s on the mend with Ciar’s aid;
Once more he strides upon the field
A’wielding arms by fear unswayed.

A plucky knight-to-be skips forth
To show his worth to one and all.
Niccolo strikes a mighty blow!
Lo, Makandro has won the brawl.

Crown Tourney day progressed apace:
The Crescent chase that crowns a prince.
Niccolo met his royal writ:
The spirit of Caid evince.

-- Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

...weaver of words and wadmal.

Spring Crown Tourney'15