Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Scarlet Sparhauk

Scarlet Sparhauk
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XXIX

(Englyn Penfyr)

The pegasus paws the ground—takes the sky
            In friendship to vie for crown
            She circles the eric ‘round.

The pegasus spots a boar—sinister
            Blades a-whir midst the roar
            Battle goes to duke of lore.

The pegasus tends her wounds—rests awhile
            A consort’s smile is the boon
            That buoys and spirits attune.

The pegasus strikes a Romano-Brit
            A knight blazoned with chi-rho
            Has laid the pegasus low.
The pegasus flutters down—wounded sore
            Her consort in bloodied gown
            Honors her champion’s renown.
When pegasus takes the sky—in the spring
            And steel’s ring calls fighters nigh
            Scarlet shall once again vie.

-- Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

…weaver of words and wadmal

Fall '14

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sir Gamel of Mottrum ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Sir Gamel of Mottrum
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

The Gamboling Gamelyon

From the land where serpents roam o’er the sea
Where desert siroccos whip up the sand
A dragon-winged lion travelled the land
Answering the call for a battle spree.
Eight were assembled from far-flung Caid:
A fellow knight and two knights soon-to-be;
None were slighted, neither lord nor lady
In this crucible so royally decreed.

The fighting was fierce on the battleground
And Gamel of Mottrum gamboled along
Whacking and thwacking and having a ball.
No better pastime this gamelyon had found,
His spirit soaring, his heart filled with song.
And a raucous good time was had by all.

—Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

... an empty vessel for the Muse

Spring ‘14

Josep de Montfort ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Josep de Montfort
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

(Celtic buried rhyme)

To test their mettle on the field
With sword and shield fighters came forth:
A count and knights, lords and ladies
To assay Josep de Montfort.

The Crucible would temper all
A mighty brawl to forge a king
And though Josep did not advance
He braved each glancing blow and sting.

With blow for blow and strike for strike
The like his fellows would recall
Josep de Montfort fought for fun ~
And one he fought will rule us all.

— Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

... weaver of words and wadmal.
Spring '14

THLady Kiena le Blue ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

THLady Kiena le Blue
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Sweet Lady Blue come swing your sword
The count is in the eric, the knights are on the sward
Where’s the azure lass who makes the lads weep?
She’s out on the field with engagements to keep.

She fought Lord Agrippa, whose day was foretold;
With Magnus and Josep, with Rauokinn so bold.
Cavelli and Randver and Athanaric too
All spiced up the day for Kiena le Blue.

— Pippin Skylark

... always tart and crisp
Spring '14

Steven A Nutt ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Steven A Nutt
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

The Crucible fine metal wrought
When Steven A Nutt tried his hand
Just for fun, though others fought
To rule this land.

He fought a duke, he fought some knights
He fought an hon’rable lord and more.
The field was rich with doughty fights ~
Who could keep score?

Two Crown contenders moved along
The tourney journey toward the prize,
Their mettle tested by the throng
To ladies’ sighs.

When Crown returns’n fighters strut
To see which one is paramount
Mayhap...we’ll see Steve A Nutt ~
Mayhap we won’t.

— Pippin Skylark

... always tart and crisp
Spring '14

Duke Sven Orfhendur ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Duke Sven Orfhendur
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Sven Orfhendur swingin’ from a tree
Here come knights and counts and lordlings
Rus and Saracen and Nordlings

Answering the kingdom’s call
Doughty fighters one and all
Taken down by the sloth’s left paw
The dangedest thing you ever saw
— Pippin Skylark

... always tart and crisp

 Spring '14

Felipe de Trujillo ~ fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII

Felipe de Trujillo
fought in Spring Crown Crucible, A.S. XLVIII


The sun beat down on the fighters
Who met on the Crucible field.
Felipe was among their number
Intent upon making all yield.

He faced off against his foemen
Round robin with duke, knight and lord.
Eight fighters clashed in the combat;
All but two were left on the sward.

Fighting was fierce in the eric
Of battle, Felipe saw his share.
The Crucible tested his mettle
The strength of his spirit is clear.

—Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

... is a 15th century Burgundian wool merchant who thinks she's a 10th century Viking weaver.

 Spring '14

Baron Rudolf Fekter ~ fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLVIII

Baron Rudolf Fekter
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLVIII


A butterfly, with heart of iron,
Honoring his lady fair,
Sallies forth to face a lion,
Resting in his oaken lair.

Honoring his lady fair,
Butterfly and feline play.
Wrested from his oaken lair,
Golden lion wins the fray.

Butterfly and feline play;
Airy fighter batted down;
Golden lion wins the fray.
Iron heart still seeks a crown.

Airy fighter batted down;
Shakes his wings and takes the sky.
Iron heart still seeks a crown;
Spies a dragon from on high.

Shakes his wings and takes the sky,
Mighty creature forged in fire!
Spies a dragon from on high:
Wing to wing, he does aspire.

Mighty creature forged in fire
Meets a fitting end, I’d say.
Wing to wing he did expire
A fiery finish to his day.

Meets a fitting end, I say!
Sallied forth to face a lion.
A fiery finish to his day,
This butterfly with heart of iron.

— Mistress Philippa Llewelyn Schuyler

... weaver of words and wadmal
Fall '13

Baron Christian de Guerre ~ fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLVIII

Baron Christian de Guerre
fallen in Fall Crown Tourney, A.S. XLVIII

(englynion penfyr)

When Christian puts on his blue-shade shoes
True warriors take a stance
And join him in the danse.

When Christian puts on his blue-shade shoes
Assured a battle intense
With griffin whose talons flense.

When Christian puts on his blue-shade shoes
Taylor-made his next fierce foe
Christian is brought to woe.

When Christian puts on his blue-shade shoes
Laid low his dreams for Ismay.
A wreath for his lady some day.

— Pippin Skylark

... always tart and crisp
Fall '13